
Site Infrastructure Updates

For those who are interested in such things, I performed major updates on my Biography, which now includes a sketch of my current budget and financial situation.  To facilitate a series of reader case studies (that I am extremely excited about), I've also added a Contact page.

The Post-It note above my computer monitor reads 'CONTENT FIRST', but sometimes...

My Financial Independence-related blog roll has also been added to the right sidebar.  Note the distinct lack of jumping, talking, flashing, or exploding advertisements.

I'm still working on learning the intricacies of Google Custom Search, and it currently only halfway does what I want it to do.  Once I figure it out, I'll post a brief guide to my Blogging Tools page.  In the meantime, here's a nicely-organized Table of Contents which also contains a list of the posts that are still on the old assembly line.

[X1] Open Clip Art: Gear — http://openclipart.org/detail/169903/gear-by-hank0071