
The Meta Hub will collect resources on the Financial Independence movement and blogosphere.

The Financial Independence Movement in the San Francisco Bay Area

An Evening with The Mustachians — Mr. Money Mustache visits the Bay Area and holds a meetup that just happens to fall on my birthday; ~100 people attend, and good times are had by all!

We decided it would be worthwhile to organize additional meetups under the Bay Area Mighty Mustachian Meetup (BAMMM) banner. Event planning and advertising occur across several mediums, so I created to facilitate.

Articles about or inspired by these meetups are tagged.

Financial Independence Blogs of Note

If this blog is on your wavelength, check out these as well.  I'm working on a gigantic database of all of the posts of the Financial Independence blogs I follow; I'll be working with several others to tag the articles for rapid filtering and quick reference.  Let me know if you're interested in helping.

Mr. Money Mustache — Financial Freedom Through Badassity
Raptitude — Getting Better at Being Human
jlcollinsnhJim Collins' thoughts on Money, Life, and Business
...and many more.

Financial Independence  and Lifestyle Engineering Books

Your Money or Your Life 
Joseph R. Dominguez

Early Retirement Extreme: A Philosophical and Practical Guide to Financial Independence
David Cain

Blogging Tools and Best Practices

Want to start a site of your very own, or improve the one you already have?
In the course of setting up this site, here's some of what I've learned:

This Blog's Infrastructure
Beautiful Math on Your Website

Financial Independence Events

Mr. Money Mustache and Raptitude's David Cain discover eachother in this tweet in January 2013, an event David reflects on 10 months later; both write extremely complementary reviews of eachother's sites, and the ultimate financial independence/lifestyle engineering bromance is born.

In September 2013, several Financial Independence bloggers took a trip down to Ecuador for a week to get to know eachother better and become friends In Real Life.  Cheryl Reed organized the event, and Mr. Money Mustache, Jim CollinsJD Roth, and 21 others were in attendance.   In the promotion of this event, they referred to it as a 'Chatauqua', from this quote in Robert M. Pirsig's classic, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance:
"Chautauqua ... an old-time series of popular talks intended to edify and entertain, improve the mind and bring culture and enlightenment to the ears and thoughts of the hearer."
A graduate student stipend put me in no financial shape to attend, but I sure as heck would like to meet everyone in person if they can settle on an inexpensive local setting!

Echoing this feeling, three long-time MMM readers organized a 'Camp Mustache' woodland retreat in Graham, Washington in 2014 and then again near Seattle in 2015.  MMM wasn't involved in planning it, but he does attend.  The ~50 spots at $200 for the 2014 event sold out instantly when MMM posted about it; the 2015 event was the same size but $425, and sold out after an MMM Twitter announcement.  The price is still a little rich for my blood, but people seem to have a lot of fun (1,2).  Maybe next year!