Lifestyle Hub

The Lifestyle Hub will collect resources related to the following:
  • Thrift and Expense Reduction
  • Philosophy
  • Sustainability
  • Health and Well-Being
  • Education and Personal Development
  • Giving Back: Philanthropy, Volunteering, and Community Development

In the Budget Throwdown series, I broke down the average American's spending habits; on the Expense Reduction page, I will be brainstorming ideas for how each category might be reduced.

Anticipating a financial windfall?  Don't blow this opportunity!

Articles on Thrift

Back to Basics
the finance blogosphere is full of all kinds of crazy advice... and you can safely ignore most of it

Financial Independence and the Maker Movement
if we had more time to play, oh, the things we might Make!

Save Money with Open Source Software
it's free, it's awesome, and it's good for your health

Save Money on Printing
inkjet printers are evil

Storage Units: An Unfortunate Trend
an excellent way to spend a bunch of money with zero positive effect

Thrift Is Beautiful: Food
using calories-per-dollar and protein-per-dollar to see foods in a different light

Thrift Is Beautiful: Fermentation
a delicious, healthy, cheap, safe, social way to live a better life

Durable Goods: Cast Iron
a thrifty cooking solution that you can will to the grandkids

Thrift Is Beautiful: The Gym
if you're paying for a gym membership, make sure you're getting what you pay for

sell it or put it back to work!

using web tools to make buying on Craigslist even easier <warning: obsolete!>

Google Voice: The $0 Phone Plan
an easy way to save some money <warning: obsolete!>

The $0 Landline
combine Google Voice with some hardware to DIY a landline! <warning: obsolete!>

Productivity Tools

Fun with Google Chrome
tips for getting around the web faster with Google's Chrome web browser

External Motivation
web tools for building and reinforcing good habits

Notetaking with Google
using Google Keep to keep track of everyday thoughts and ideas

Reducing Spam, Noise, and Bacn
take these steps to reduce distracting spam and noise

Configuring Gmail for Productivity
optimizing email productivity with Google's webmail